Paris Combo – Living Room

Paris Combo – Living Room
Video Rating: 4 / 5 – Stage your living to attract homebuyers. Living Room’s are often the first space that a homebuyer views when walking through the front door. First impressions are crucial when selling your home. Start with a blank canvas and start removing everything from the area. Position furniture in a way that shows off the living room’s potential. Maximize space by removing un-used furniture and decor. Add tasteful accessories and artwork that are neutral in color and design. Wow the buyer with your newly staged living room.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

36 thoughts on “Paris Combo – Living Room

  1. i love that song! but i wonder does anyone know “on n’a pas besoin” of paris combo?? i couldn’t find any record in youtube, finally i sing with them:P you can listen it from

  2. Est-ce que le sol en damier fait référence incognito au Nouvel Ordre Mondial ?
    A toute cette clique franc-mac dégénérée et Luciférienne ?
    Les paroles vont également dans ce sens…
    Si oui, vous êtes du front !
    Si non, cette chanson a été inspirée, à n’en pas douter.
    En tous cas, merci pour ces quatre minutes de pur bonheur.
    J’ADORE Paris Combo !

  3. I love this song, but for the video we must give thanks to David Linch and his “red room” in Twin Peaks. it’s an explicit citation. don’t you agree?

  4. 0:20 Vin Diesel comes in 🙂
    really love this band, despite my favourite genre is deathmetal.
    please visit Slovakia someday

  5. Saw her at the Hollywood Bowl last week — this woman oozes tons of sex appeal. I don’t understand a lick of French, but her and her band were awesome.

  6. je viens d’ecouter plusieur titre que je connais deja, je deplore la gravation le son est padonné moi”pourrit!

  7. de jolies vestiges de ce que fut autrefois la culture parisienne, avant que les ricains et cette saloperie de melange “europeene” y sont arrives. Mais elle reviendra malgre tous et malgre nous

  8. Je réécoute ce morceau avec plaisir… Paris Combo, j’adore ! groupe bien trop rare……………….. ;(

  9. cette chanson est criante de vérité: eux les vieux singes (les politiques) et nous petit peuple qui nous tapons sur le nez, qui les divertissons…

  10. Isn’t it a bad idea to face the furniture away from the door? Maybe it’s just me, but i can’t stand to face away from the door.

  11. THUMBS UP for how much of an improvement can be made by staging a vacant living room!!!
    For more home staging examples check out our channel!
    – Model My Home

  12. I enjoyed this video and learned some techniques of Home Staging directed to the Living Room. It has piqued my interest enough to view more videos of this nature. I am a former Realtor.

  13. Making home buyers to get excite with your house is a good sign that you might close the deal of your house. Thanks for your video providing essential tips on how to prepare a house for sale.

  14. I watch this video with no sound … the only thing I tough was : God men are not what men are supposed to be anymore

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